Download , by Brennan Manning

Download , by Brennan Manning
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, by Brennan Manning
Download , by Brennan Manning
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Product details
File Size: 2280 KB
Print Length: 194 pages
Publisher: HarperOne; Reprint edition (October 12, 2010)
Publication Date: October 12, 2010
Sold by: HarperCollins Publishers
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#22,474 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
The Furious Longing of God was recommended to me by a young Episcopalian priest after I asked for reading suggestions. I didn't think that I was having a crisis of faith. Instead, I thought I had questions about faith. After reading the first chapter of Brennan Manning's book, I realized with some embarrassment that I was looking at my faith backward. I was the person who patted herself on the back for regularly attending church, taking the Read the Bible in a Year challenge and throwing in a good deed here and there. This small book, which packs a huge wallop, was a game changer for me. I savored every word and even read it twice. It now rests next to my bed as a kind of touchstone. Brennan Manning addresses his thoughts to Everyman. He does not preach. He does not hold himself out to be a spiritual magician who can transform his readers as we reach the last page. Instead, he comes across as a guy I would love to spend a few hours with at a coffee shop having a back-and-forth conversation.By integrating Scripture and writings from several philosophers (and Shel Silverstein!), he explains the true meaning of Christian faith to me. Jesus becomes a regular guy instead of someone whose wrath is to be feared. Some might consider the idea of Jesus as a surfer dude, someone to hang with, someone who talks in my vernacular to be blasphemous. On the contrary; I love this Jesus, and most important, he loves me, warts and all. Framed on my bedside table are the following words: "Abba, I belong to you." and "I am my beloved's and His desire is for me." For anyone struggling with becoming a better Christian, a more God-like person, Brennen Manning convinced me that Jesus loves me just as I am. What a comforting thought, that carries unintended consequences of striving harder to be a true Christian who walks in Jesus's love.
Brennan Manning writes about God's love for us no matter what we've done to run, dodge, deflect, or reject that love. His message took wings with The Ragamuffin Gospel and was reemphasized with books on emphatic faith (Ruthless Trust) and emphatic gentleness (Relentless Tenderness of Jesus). In this book from 2009, he speaks again of God's determination to love us, come what may, supported with his own experience, biblical passages, and quotes from a broad spectrum of spiritual writers in a few brief chapters. Most chapters could be the basis for a great deal of personal reflection, even without the points to ponder that end most of them. I read a chapter a day as part of my morning prayer time, and that worked for me. This is a book to be sipped and savored.
Manning writes with the force of raw prose but the music of poetry. Thus he speaks to the deepest longings, fears and hopes in my heart. He speaks of "Abba's love," Papa's love for us. I keep repeating the sentence that he has shared with others. "Abba, I belong to you." It's a confession that has worked miracles in the lives of people who doubted God's forgiveness and love. And what moving and on-target stories he shares with us, from his own life and the lives of those he has touched.I think this part of the FOREWORD tells it all. "Remember, the Father desires to say something to YOU in these pages. Such is His furious affection for YOU. Such is His love for YOU." He builds on his key biblical text, Song of Solomon 7:10: "I am my beloved's, and his desire is for me." That is the Father's desire for each of us. It is His "furious longing."I found myself going deeper -- and deeper -- into the feeling and knowing that God loves me without any reservations. He wants to unite with me and me to unite with Him. "It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me." (Galatians 2:20). YES! As I read this book, and plan to re-read it many times, that is the union both my Father and I desire.
I started reading Brennan Manning in 2003, when I was in a spiritual wilderness recovering from some deep wounding experienced in ministry overseas. His book, Abba's Child, helped me sort through the pain and confusion, leading me to God's Word and to understanding His love. I read his classic, The Ragamuffin Gospel, quite sometime later and was blessed by the life-changing message of God's unswerving, overwhelming love made possible only through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Manning's, The Furious Longing Of God, was a great devotional read this Thanksgiving week. His poetic storytelling, quotes, and references to Scripture refreshed and challenged me to forgive as I have been forgiven, love as He loves, and rest in the knowledge of His trustworthiness. His repeated reminder that "I belong to Abba" is perhaps the greatest takeaway. If you've not yet read Manning, this is a good place to start; if Manning is an old friend, this is one not to be missed.
I believe this is the best of Manning's many works. It is concise whereas some of his other works ramble but this little volume summarizes his basic message of the love of God is yours before you ask for it or deserve it! His message is one that we all need and this little volume delivers it in a direct and powerful way. If you get only one Manning book, make this the one!! I read it over and over again and will lead a study group at my church for those who want to get a birds-eye view of this wonderful book and Brennan Manning.
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