Free PDF Escaping Home: A Novel

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Escaping Home: A Novel
Free PDF Escaping Home: A Novel
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Audible Audiobook
Listening Length: 8 hours and 41 minutes
Program Type: Audiobook
Version: Unabridged
Publisher: Penguin Audio Release Date: October 30, 2013
Whispersync for Voice: Ready
Language: English, English
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
I liked this 2nd book in the series. The actual story is very interesting and keeps you wanting to know “What’s next!â€But...... there were a LOT of typos in this book. Much more than book 1. For the higher than average price, I expected a LOT better editing. Seemed like the author may have changed some character names during editing as well.[Semi spoiler below…]Author kept bouncing back and forth between which daughter was shot, Taylor or Lee Ann. For the entire chapter, the name kept swapping back and forth. Also seems as if the neighbors name changed from Don to Howard at some point. Many times “don†was used in place of Howard’s name.There were a few more inconsistencies that didn’t add up and a lot of typos.The character building wasn’t as strong as in book 1. So far, this (inexplainable) “instant trust†and friendship between Mr “paranoid and shoot first†aka, Morgan and his new pal Jeff really bothered me. It was not in character with the Morgan we’ve been reading about.Some characters that were rather prominent in the beginning of this book, just seemed to disappear. It felt as though the author got bored with them and decided to just ignore them. The side effect is that it created some rather annoying dead ends.Thankfully the actual story line was interesting enough that I didn’t just give up.One last shake of my suspension of disbelief was Morgan and neighbors giving up their home (proposed in the book). It really doesn’t make sense. Perhaps if the reasons were better outlined, it would not be so unbelievable. As it is, it seems foolish to go more primitive. Maybe book 3 will have these reasons more apparent.
I have really come to enjoy this genre over the past couple of years, and I am glad to see it expanding. Like its cousin, the zombie apocalypse novels (survival with a gruesome fantasy twist), the pure survivalist genre entertains while teaching and reinforcing important survival principals and the need to hone them BEFORE "something bad happens." I read "Going Home" in a single day. Then I immediately purchased and downloaded "Surviving Home" for my Kindle and again polished it off in a day. As soon as I finished, I went looking for book three to find out what happens next to Morgan, Sarge and the rest of the crew. Imagine my disappointment in finding out I will have to wait because it has not been written yet.The "Going Home" series is exciting, fun and edgy. I love the situations and the tension in the story as life after "the event" unfolds for the reader. I particularly like the way the author follows the main characters from book one as they go their separate ways and then begins to bring them back together through the most dramatic of circumstances to reform as a force to be reckoned with later in the story.I have just one suggestion that would make the stories more enjoyable. I am a retired English professor and very widely read. I have instructed many students in the art of writing and the skills of proper grammar and punctuation. There are countless errors (many simply the result of a lack of thorough proofreading) throughout both books that at times become a real distraction. A good proofreading by a knowledgeable and detail-oriented individual would quickly clean up future manuscripts. I would happily volunteer for the task in order to be able to read it sooner. LOL.That said, I thoroughly enjoy the series and can hardly wait for the next one.
I'm not here to recap the book, you can find that elsewhere. I'm here to tell you why you should invest your spare time reading this series. If you've read my review of book one you can skip ahead because I don't really have anything new to say, just want the author to have some honest reviews in return for his hard work putting pen to paper.I read a lot of post-apocalypse fiction. Most writers suck at it. Their scenarios are rather far fetched, their characters are cookie cutter preppers I could never relate to if we were face to face, and the decisions their characters make are so stupid as to put them in deeper jeopardy making their professed prepper status highly questionable and making me hope Darwin got it right so I'll never have to deal with them.A.A.'s characters are well developed, thinking people, even the bad guys. They behave in ways that are true to their back story. Yes, they make mistakes and sometimes those mistakes have unpleasant consequences.As of today, there are maybe 10 or more books in the series. They enter my library as soon as they are released and that's unusual for me because my experience is that when an author pens a series beyond a certain number of books, they seem to reach a point where they're either phoning it in to continue milking the cash cow, or they get so tired of the characters and storyline that they begin to hate what they perceive as a rut. Neither pitfall traps this series.The story arc is such that the plot could run on for another 10 books or more provided the author continues to keep events believable. The characters are not one-note survivalists. They continue to mature and evolve as events unfold.The author isn't afraid to kill off a key character or two and new characters are fleshed out just as well as the ones that survive through everything.In spite of the seriousness of the subject, the author isn't afraid of some comic relief and there are genuine belly laughs spread throughout the series.So far, I've only been mildly disappointed with one book in the series and I believe that's because Weatherman bowed to fan pressure and turned a book out before he should have. If you pick up this series, you'll know which one I'm referring to and I'm sure he does too. When a writer is as social media connected to their fan base as he is, and that base is screaming for the next book, that's hard to ignore but easy to forgive.I hope one day to write this well and have my fans clamoring for the next book.
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