Free Download , by Kathleen Krull

Free Download , by Kathleen Krull
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, by Kathleen Krull
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Product details
File Size: 2617 KB
Print Length: 128 pages
Publisher: Puffin Books; Reprint edition (October 16, 2008)
Publication Date: October 16, 2008
Sold by: Penguin Group (USA) LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#156,366 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
Great ,entertaining look into his life . Be warned however , the recommended age was 8 and up. I think it should say " young adults" there is information on his sexual orientation. This is not a big deal to me . But , depending on a child's age you might want to wait for them to read this .
One of the things I spend oodles of money and time on is previewing books for my kids. I so value books that can tell a story in something more than an informational tone. I thought this would be a promising book for my "middle" kids - out of picture books, but not ready for high school / adult material.The write up above states ". . this book will change children's ideas of who Leonardo was and what it means to be a scientist." The cover has an attractive illustration, and I went for it.I scanned the first 3 chapters, and they were well written for the upper elementary/middle school age group. Vocabulary was understandable, spacing of the type and size of print not intimidating. Then I got to Chapter 4, "Nothing But Full Privies" The whole chapter is about homosexual activity. "This was the office that summoned Leonardo in 1476. Someone had anonymously accused four men - Leonardo, a goldsmith, a tailor, and someone related to Lorenzo de Medici - of having sex with a male prostitute." There is further text on his story, what Florence laws and views were on homosexuality, and then, "Historians disagree about Leonardo's sex life, or whether he even had one. But most think he was probably homosexual. . . . Various writings show he shared the common male attitude of his time: women were less intelligent than men and full of "useless chatter." He described the act of procreation as 'repulsive.' Homosexuality was illegal . . . The authorities in Florence generally fostered a don't-ask-don't-tell policy. In fact, homosexuality there was so widespread that the German word for homosexual was Florence. But being discreet was crucial . . "Okay, I already knew this, but . . . do my children have to get into THIS level of detail of Leonardo's history to understand why he was a Giant of Science?? I do read classical works to my kids without censorship, and there are references they may or may not understand. But they are not highlighted and focused on gratuitously. I have forgiven a passing, non-highlighted reference in some books that my kids don't even seem to notice. The Parrot's Theorem is an example of a book with a few adult references, but they are not so pronounced as to color the whole book for moderate families. I felt this book's chapter on homosexuality was WAY more than necessary and ruined this book for the purpose I purchased it. For a high schooler or adult, it may be appropriate, but do not hand it to your child unless you are ready to explain adult sexual issues in detail.I DID find a WONDERFUL da Vinci book for the middle set that has no such references, and it is truly wonderful: Leonardo da Vinci: Genius Of Art And Science by Jennifer Reed.
This book was purchased for my grandson who will be 13 this year. I found the book to be very interesting and hope that it will stimulate my grandson's interest in famous scientists and inventors.
I was sorry that so little was given of his amazing artistry.
Although well-written and interesting, parents should be warned about 2 aspects of this book so that they may wisely choose whether this book is appropriate for their child:1) It is full of "figures of speech" and somewhat poetic phraseology, which makes it difficult for young children, or children on the Autism Spectrum2) There is clear discussion about homosexuality and prostitutionFor both reasons, I would not have chosen this book for my son. He has Asperger's, and I would like to introduce matters of sex on my own terms.
There are several books in this series featuring different scientists. We listened to this one on CD. Very well done... but this, unlike the others in the series, has caused some controversy. Some parents are not comfortable with the inclusion of Leonardo being accused of homosexuality and imprisoned temporarily. I was actually glad it was included; it gave me a chance to broach the subject in a healthy way with my son. I thought it was very tastefully handled. Kudos to the author for having the courage to deal with the subject matter in a respectful way and not shortchange kids from an honest and frank discussion of a difficult subject. (My son was 8, and he handled it well; though I think that will vary depending on both the maturity of the child and the comfort level of the adult reading the book. I personally think one of the advantages of broaching uncomfortable subjects with my kids is having the opportunity to walk them through it, and give them the chance to develop healthy skills for dealing with difficult subjects.)I respect that some parents may feel differently, but I am glad that there are books like this on the market for the rest of us.Again, my thanks to both the author and the publisher for making a decision that may not have been advantageous marketing wise, but added to the quality of the book!Lest people get the idea that the book is all heavy or depressing material, on the contrary, the section discussed above is not long, and both my son and I found the book very inspiring. He now flocks to any information on da Vinci he can get his hands on, with excitement!
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