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Product details
File Size: 5875 KB
Print Length: 208 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 5 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional; 3 edition (August 30, 2018)
Publication Date: August 30, 2018
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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I had to purchase this book for a program design course I was taking. Since I knew very little about UML I was looking forward to reading it, especially since I knew that this book was the 'bible' of UML. About half-way through I quit reading the book because I wasn't learning very much. Here is the main problem. Fowler presents concepts using high-level, theoretical and sometimes incomplete terminology and doesn't illustrate with good examples. I frequently read and re-read passages but still left scratching my head uncertain what he was talking about. If he could have just included some concrete code examples, the book would have been much better. I also detect a little of the purist and elitist mentality in Fowler's writing. Purist in the sense that he is a true believer in UML and elitist in the sense that he doesn't think it necessary to explain some of the things he is talking about. Finally, there is some of the artificially-inflated complexity that comes with certain fields in CSci. If you really want to have a practical understanding of UML to use in your coding or programming, this is not the book for you. All IMHO.
Fantastic, this is what puts software design into a new world and cuts through all the impractical clutter of full UML. Fowler shows mastery by cutting everything that is NON essential from UML and showing a methodology (I'm a distinct fan of the idea of UML 'sketching') that generates a novel language of high practical relevance for large softwqare bodies, in fact any kind of domain specific knowledge structuring (building relationsships in an ontology in a sense). Masterful ...
As the front page subtitle states, this is a brief guide to the UML. It is also a good one.The first chapter is an introduction to UML, including some short history on the language. The second chapter covers the Development Process with a quick overview of a couple of them - i.e. Agile, RUP, ...- followed by some guidance on choosing the right one.The following chapters cover the main UML diagrams, respectively, the Class, Sequence, Object, Package, Deployment, Use Case, State Machine, Activity, Communication, Composite Structure, Component, Collaboration, Interaction Overview and Timing Diagrams. At the end, there is an appendix that summarizes the changes between UML versions.Not all of the diagrams get in-depth coverage. Whereas Class Diagrams get the most attention of the author with two chapters specifically dedicated to them, Object, Deployment, Communication, Composite Structures, Component, Collaboration, Interaction Overview and Timing Diagrams get only a few pages, between two and four. Some of them are just limited to the sample diagrams that illustrate the chapter, with no or little text to support them. Rather than a shortcoming, this seems to be ensuing from the author's willingness to have the book limited to a few pages - 150 exactly, without the appendix -, covering what he considers to be essential.As such, this book is no replacement for the three classic UML books, i.e. the User's Guide, the Reference Manual and the Unified Process of the Booch/Jacobson/Rumbaugh Object Technology Series that the reader, in my opinion, will anyway have to go through until he/she gains sufficient working proficiency with the language. If the reader's intention is so, he/she'll be better inspired reading "UML Distilled" after, or better, in parallel with the User's Guide, diagram after diagram and have a look at the Reference Manual on selected dictionary terms, as necessary. The Unified Process book can be read independently.This is not a book an OOA/OOD. As prerequisite, the reader is expected to be comfortable enough with OO concepts such as Class, Object, Relationship, Aggregation, Composition, Inheritance, etc. Although not required, working proficiency with a former OO modeling method - e.g. Fusion, in my case - will help.
When I first read this book I thought, hmm, that's a really good first step to learning UML. I then read many other books including Larman's Applying UML and Patterns. After some time and achieving decent knowledge in OOAD, I took another look at UML Distilled. I realized that I missed out on about half the concepts because I really didn't have the background. This book is a goldmine of distilled information. The way the author seperates the perspectives is much better appreciated when the reader has some background. I would recommend reading this to get a start in UML, then reading some intro OOAD books and finally coming back to this and reading it again. The only complaint I have is that you need to read slowly because Fowler has something good to say just about everywhere.Definitly a classic.
There are hundrends if not thousands of articles and tutorials floating around on the net which are written on or around or about UML, some try to cover everything in a shallow manner, some try going deep into a very specialized aspect of one kind of diagrams. As a software architect, people like me need something concise and handy which we can constantly refer to which chalking out different diagrams which are required in software project following RUP methodology, this book serves this purpose in an excellent manner and I am certainly happy using it for the last couple of projects I handled.One thing I must say is that I found the coverage of 'Development Process' (Ch 2) very sketchy and superficial, and most probably it does not even belong in a book so focussed in being used as a reference for a software project.There is only one more thing which I expected from this book. Different UML diagrams are sketched and used in different stages of a project, if only these were overlapped with RUP project phases (inception, elaboration, construction and transition) along with a representative of other documents used in those phases the use of the UML diagrams could have been realized from a better perspective.I would highly recommend the book 'Building J2EE Applications with RUP' (Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston and Wojtek Kozaczynski) for the J2EE practitioners, these two books complement each other very well in the J2EE/RUP world.
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