PDF Download Climate Changed: A Personal Journey through the Science, by Philippe Squarzoni

PDF Download Climate Changed: A Personal Journey through the Science, by Philippe Squarzoni
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Climate Changed: A Personal Journey through the Science, by Philippe Squarzoni
PDF Download Climate Changed: A Personal Journey through the Science, by Philippe Squarzoni
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From Booklist
*Starred Review* French cartoonist-journalist Squarzoni, who practices his craft in the vein of Joe Sacco and Guy Delisle, digs deep into the science, economics, politics, international policies, and ethics that together force cataclysmic climate change into our very near global future. While the experts he interviews throughout this volume present accessible yet technically specific details about how we got where we are and what possible ways ahead are practical, it is by inserting himself and his personal exploration of responsibilities and choices that Squarzoni makes the most demanding call to action: we cannot address as mere individuals the inequities visited on the planet, but without recognizing our personal responsibility, we can’t address it culturally or politically in a timely manner. Squarzoni’s realistic, black-and-white art presents expressive faces, a geographic range of naturally dramatic landscapes, and the occasional succinct hyperbole, one of the most potent of which riffs on Eddie Adams’ iconic 1968 Vietnam War execution photo, here with a gas pump replacing the original handgun. The plethora of contributing experts, a detailed index, and its multifaceted exploration make this required reading for both the general public and subject specialists. --Francisca Goldsmith
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“Stunning, cinematic, and informative.” (Cool Hunting)“A work on one of the most important topics of our time that is dense but comprehensible, informative and fascinating.” (Publishers Weekly (starred review))“Thanks to Squarzoni, we see that the graphic novel format might be the best way to explain this information (and there is a lot of it) to the general public.” (Comics Bulletin)“The plethora of contributing experts, a detailed index, and its multifaceted exploration make this required reading for both the general public and subject specialists.” (Booklist (Starred Review))“If you’ve been meaning to get up to speed on the carbon cycle and all things climate science this summer, this is the book to be seen at the beach with.” (Scientific American Online)“By populating his story with real characters and telling it in line drawings and word balloons, Squarzoni distills complex data into the stuff of intimate, compelling narrative.” (OnEarth Magazine)“This graphic novelist tells the true story of climate change.” (Grist.org)“Philippe Squarzoni’s Climate Changed delineates the true horror story of our coming weather apocalypse through crisp illustrations.” (Village Voice)“The graphic novel Climate Changed makes the topic much more accessible for readers who aren’t scientifically minded but who want to better understand the issue.” (MTV Act)
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Product details
Paperback: 480 pages
Publisher: Harry N. Abrams; 1St Edition edition (April 8, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9781419712555
ISBN-13: 978-1419712555
ASIN: 1419712551
Product Dimensions:
6.5 x 1.2 x 9.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.5 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.2 out of 5 stars
36 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#65,121 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
Climate change is one of those problems that is so enormous, most people cannot even begin to wrap their minds around. Due to the issue’s sheer magnitude and its complex nature, climate change is a very difficult topic for common people to approach and study. Due to this, many people opt to simply ignore the problems at hand. With this in mind, Phillipe Squarzoni penned his graphic “novel†Climate Changed: A Personal Journey through the Science with the intent of making climate change an accessible and comprehensible subject. He does this by intertwining scientific dialogues with graphic images, personal anecdotes, and interesting analogies.On one level, Climate Changed provides its readers with an overload of scientific information. Squarzoni quotes myriad scientists and researchers to present the reader with all of the research he has come across which he believes is essential for the readers to know. At times, these sections of the book dragged on and felt repetitive. However, I realize that this component of the book is entirely crucial for attaining a clear sense of what climate change truly is and how much it can affect our lives. With that being said, it felt to me that these sections of the book were not necessarily incorporated well with the “graphic novel†concept. Seeing 10 panels in a row of a scientist giving his or her statement about various aspects of climate change looked boring and bland in graphic form. I would not like to see this aspect of the book cut out entirely, though I would like to see the repetitive parts (the parts about nuclear energy and social inequality in a climate-changed world felt excruciatingly long to me) trimmed down a bit, and I would have liked to see a more graphically creative way of blending these sections into the book.On the other hand, there is the “personal journey†aspect of Climate Changed. In these sections of the book, Squarzoni tells his own story of how he approached the idea of writing about climate change. In addition, he talks about the changes that he personally makes in order to help the planet (e.g. limiting himself to one flight per year) and the difficulties that arise from this self-restraint. To me, these sections of the book felt much more visceral for numerous reasons. The graphics and images of his trips to America or his comparisons to movies and novels were much more captivating than merely images of French scientists sitting at a desk and spewing out facts. Additionally, in these sections Squarzoni was able to take difficult topics and break them down to a level which anyone could easily comprehend. He used analogies to a dish being pushed over the edge of a table or a man skydiving sans parachute to really illustrate the direness of this situation. Finally, hearing one man tell of how to make a personal change just seems much more convincing than hearing a scientist present us only with statistics and facts. In the personal journey sections, Squarzoni was truly able to bring this climate change narrative to life and leave an impact on the readers.In the end, there is no definitive answer to the climate change problem. However, this book provides readers with the necessary facts in order to make informed environmentally conscious decisions in life. While I cannot say that Squarzoni or any of the scientists he quotes have convinced me to ditch my car and go live simplistically out in the woods like Henry David Thoreau, I certainly feel inspired to try to make a series of small yet positive changes in life. While Climate Changed may not have been an entirely engrossing read, I would consider it severely important for anyone who wishes to be more aware about the global climate change issue.
While this graphic novel may fail people looking for a comic book in the way most comic books are written, it truly tackles the complexity of climate change and all the nuances that are apart of it, in a fairly easy-to-read format. If you need a movie comparison, it is a little bit like Koyaanisqatsi, but narrated by Werner Herzog. If it falters, it is perhaps a little too introspective as the scientist author voices his doubts and ponders great unknowns. All in all, I appreciate it very much, and found it to be a very human look at science from a man on the inside, with all the data in front of him.I have personally recommended it to an ecologist professor who uses excerpts for some of his classes. There is a considerable amount of detail here -- it goes way beyond carbon emissions, and looks at many factors behind the rise of global temperatures, as well as the far reaching impacts climate change will have on the planet.
I had to search for this graphic book on the climate crisis. And found this gem--500 pages of exquisite drawings, distilled conversations with leading scientists in economics, climate research, energy, and political thinking. In addition the author reports and shows his personal feelings, conflicts and ambivalences as he discovers the terrible truths of our changed world. The take home message for me now, in 2015, is that we can't undo the climate changes already in place but we have to work hard and smart to keep the crisis from becoming even worse.
Climate Changed: A Personal Journey Through the Science is an extremely effective piece of work. The reader is along for the ride as Phillippe Squarzoni takes a personal journey to understand an extremely significant and inevitable natural phenomenon called climate change. He weaves details from his own life in with larger topics that are pieces of the complex web of the human effort to curb the effects of climate change. He is doing important work that is arguably as crucial as the scientific work done by professionals, which is effectively making climate change approachable and understandable to people who may find the scientific explanation confusing. The author does not come across as preachy in ways that scientists can be on occasion. He enters the topic with a purely curious and open mind state, which is something everyone should be able to appreciate. It is important to understand that climate change is not something we can ignore or forget about, and Squarzoni takes an extremely complicated idea that takes shape in numerous ways and shows us how it can and will effect us on a personal level. We do not know exactly in which ways as no one can predict the effects of the climate, but he shows us how climate change will become a part of everyday life. We are all a part of this issue, and when one begins to see real, tangible ways that it impacts our day-to-day lives, climate change becomes less of a thing to shrug off and more of a threat to our species’ existence. Even if you do not like his story or approach you still have to appreciate how effective he is at getting his point across.
This graphic text book is chock full of details about what we humans have done and continue to do to our planet. This presentation is a unique way to tell the story of the ways human activity is harming our Earth. If you do believe that the climate is and will continue to change because of human activity and you would like to help save us from disaster, please read the book. If you are a climate denier, you must read the book!
A great revealing book that explains climate change in terms my 17 Year old has understood and enjoyed
best book ever in terms of creating short cuts to address all the causes and effects of climate change and global warming
I was required to read this for a college class, no problems with the order. The book was a little overly catastrophic if you ask me, but it is climate change we're talking about..
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