Ebook Download Healthy Meal Prep Cookbook: Fast and Nutritious Meals That Are Easy To Cook and Prep So You Can Grab and Go

Ebook Download Healthy Meal Prep Cookbook: Fast and Nutritious Meals That Are Easy To Cook and Prep So You Can Grab and Go
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Healthy Meal Prep Cookbook: Fast and Nutritious Meals That Are Easy To Cook and Prep So You Can Grab and Go
Ebook Download Healthy Meal Prep Cookbook: Fast and Nutritious Meals That Are Easy To Cook and Prep So You Can Grab and Go
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Product details
Paperback: 145 pages
Publisher: Independently published (June 15, 2018)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1983178640
ISBN-13: 978-1983178641
Product Dimensions:
7.5 x 0.3 x 9.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 12 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.4 out of 5 stars
41 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#172,143 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
This is a top 6 recipe book in my home and it delivers on the promised time savings and efficiency in the kitchen. If you are already used to meal prepping this book isn't going to blow your mind with wild new ideas. What it will do is give you a detailed introduction to meal prepping and what it is all about (in case you are new I guess).After that the rest of the book is recipes, which are divided into 5 meal plans according to diet or whether your goal is to lose weight, gain muscle, etc. etc.It is well worth the price as the recipes are good and the meal plans are well thought out. Five star meal prepping recipe collection.
This is so not a meal prep book. It has a little section about meal prepping at the start. The rest of the book is just meal plans. Half the recipes can't be made ahead of time without ending up disgusting. There is a shopping list for every meal plan that is completely worthless. The author just listed the ingredients for each recipe on one page. They were too lazy to even compile the ingredients. For instance you need eggs for a few recipes in the meal plan. So the shopping list has eggs listed three different times instead of just telling you how many eggs you need for all the recipes in that meal plan. I have already found 2 mistakes also. One mistake is on the low carb shopping list. The book says you need 45 eggs when you really only need 5. I am super disappointed because this is really just a recipe book with some meals plan in it It is definitely not a meal prep cook book.
This book is very simple, no pictures, but it is just what I wanted--some additional super simple recipes that are easy to plan ahead for to add to my repertoire and make weekday cooking easier. I don't think I could actually "do" one of the meal plans strictly, however if that is something someone is interested in, it is good for that. Basic meal prep "how-to" which is great if you are new to meal prep. Nutritional values are listed for every recipe, so if you are watching macros like me, it makes it so much easier! I saw complaints about the index, you can't search by ingredient, however it is listed alphabetically by recipe name (which are self explanatory) and is only two pages so it is easy to skim through to find what you want. I recommend if you are new to meal prep or just want to add some simple easy recipes to your established meal prep routine. I will use most of the recipes in here, they do sound good! Pictures would have been nice, but when you've been cooking every meal for a bajillion years, you kinda already know what food looks like, so it's not a deal breaker, lol.
If you want to learn more about Meal Prep, then it is a great resource for you. In this cookbook, the author gives us clean eating meal plan, muscle building meal plan, weight loss meal plan, low- carb meal plan and vegetarian meal plan. Every meal plan includes a shopping list and 3 recipes every day for one week. All recipes are very detailed, easy to follow, with full nutritional information. I liked this cookbook very much, it is very informative and useful. I found so much helpful information about these types of diet plans. I highly recommend this book for those who are interested in Meal Prep and need such type of information. It is worth reading.
This book is about healthy eating for the whole family. Here I found helpful cooking tips, over 100 recipes for delicious diet meals, simple and detailed instructions, 5 meal plans for the week, weekly shopping lists, and cooking temperature and conversion temperature charts. An indispensable book in the kitchen for a healthy diet.
The recipes are not primitive, there you can find vegetable dishes, dishes from cottage cheese, meat of different sorts and some sweet treats. It sure does make life easier by preparing meals ahead of time then freeze them for later. Even better when the recipes included are for healthy meals.
Meal preparation allows you to stay focused on being healthy and eating meals that are home cooked and nutritious. This book was created to allow you the opportunities to make meal prep an easy, effortless and enjoyable experience. I will be able to put a lot of those ideas to good use.
Exciting book to read about Meal prep! This book provide some nutritious meals that are easy to follow and easy to prepare. I found this book very interesting and provide everything you need to know. I really enjoyed reading this book and I highly recommend this book!
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