Download PDF The Synchronicity Key: The Hidden Intelligence Guiding the Universe and You

Download PDF The Synchronicity Key: The Hidden Intelligence Guiding the Universe and You
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The Synchronicity Key: The Hidden Intelligence Guiding the Universe and You
Download PDF The Synchronicity Key: The Hidden Intelligence Guiding the Universe and You
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Product details
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Audible Audiobook
Listening Length: 21 hours and 23 minutes
Program Type: Audiobook
Version: Unabridged
Publisher: Brilliance Audio Release Date: August 20, 2013
Whispersync for Voice: Ready
Language: English, English
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
I suspect there are precious few people who possess the burning desire and dedication to enlighten the masses with pure Truth as David Wilcock. Most of our current power structures would rather we follow their “truths†in an attempt to keep us in a perpetual state of fear and control. David Wilcock merges exhaustive scientific research with the world’s most powerful spiritual (not necessarily religious) teachings to reveal the immense power within each of us. He goes to great lengths to show us that time is not linear but cyclical as history continues to repeat itself in predictable cycles until we, collectively and individually, choose to change these cycles and break free from the wheel of karma. The choice is clear: one can choose a negative path of selfish, ego-driven self absorption, or a positive path of humility, unity, and service to others. The implications of each path are dramatically different and diametrically opposed. The choice is always yours and yours alone. The time to choose is now. The entire Universe is poised to assist those who choose the positive path. All we need do is ask.
I thought this book was incredible! David Wilcock is a genius and draws so much information together in a concise and factual way. His writing is interesting and an easy read. I enjoyed this book very much, as I do all of his books. He is an amazing person and everyone who cares about the history of our planet should read this book. Bravo David! This is a book I will recommend to everyone!
Great insights and information in this book. Originally I came from a skeptical perspective but unlike most people I followed the science trail to prove or disprove the author David Wilcock. Over the years, I began to verify more than I imagined and realized the claims many people say to be false, are not false, but in fact as yet to be proven or disproved. A learned view considers all perspectives rather than simply dismissing everything as pseudoscience. A message I believe is lost upon too many. It is a painstakingly long and arduous task but if you decide to follow the trail of verification and do so in a manner of due diligence, you will find many things we have been told and taught in our lifetime are in fact false or at the very least highly questionable.
I think the editing is vastly improved over the Source Field Investigations but still has too much High school level writing mechanics. Nonetheless, I highly recommend this book as well as Source Field Investigations. My review of that book was a bit more harsh, and to be fair David's writing ability obviously continues to improve with this work. I give it 3 stars because if David really focuses on WRITING he could produce something truly magnificent. I am aware that David is a researcher, not a writer and he has an incredible gift of finding and condensing vast amounts of material, making connections across multiple disciplines, and most importantly, is able to communicate these complex concepts to a lay audience. When he is writting about his research, it is free flowing and wonderful to read, but to me there is a very obvious break in contunity, pace and diction, when he goes into the personal narrative of his life and how the topics of his research have intertwined within it. I think David would better serve his audience and frankly himself, by writting a book solely about his personal experiences and philosophical/spiritual development. That way he would not be constrained by the topic he is researching and it would offer a larger space from which to write authenticly about himself. The narative aspects of this book feel incredibly contrived, are unintegrated, and are frankly poorly written for a book with such fascinating information; ultimately to me it just doesn't fit well and David's 'story' disturbs my absorption of the awesome topics Wilcock presents and presents rather eloquently for the most part.Obviously David doesn't read these reviews but just in case, I would highly recommend he read the book 'Four Fish' by Paul Greenberg as an example of how to seemlessly weave a personal narrative (as well as integrating many multiple disciplines) into a research novel.
Mixed, with some excellent informative material, and then sections that are amateurish in writing style as well as new age"feel good" material. Some sections are brilliant and well organized and IMPORTANT and others, well, they dilute the work as a whole. That said, IT IS WORTH READING, AS SOME PARTS OF THIS ARE TOTALLY RIVETING. The book overall needs a good editing job, especially the after death experiences section. I think the Tibetan Book of the Dead and the theosophical teachings provide a more balanced view.However, Wilcock's research is valuable, and I have pre-ordered his next book. I am a fan, and at the same time, have reservations about some of the sections of this book.
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