Free Download , by Sara Hagerty

Free Download , by Sara Hagerty
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, by Sara Hagerty
Free Download , by Sara Hagerty
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Product details
File Size: 1040 KB
Print Length: 237 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 5 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
Publisher: Zondervan (August 29, 2017)
Publication Date: August 29, 2017
Sold by: HarperCollins Publishing
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#18,286 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
This book came at a perfect time for me. Last year, I began and made significant headway on a big, exciting project that I really felt was a calling from God, and equipped by God. Then nine months ago, a season of sickness, resting, and weakness came uninvited. (Uninvited by me, any way.) And every time I thought it was over and it was "go time" again, another hedge came up. No. Sit. Rest.Another facet of this season is that I'm trying to figure out the balance between promoting the work I've been given, and trusting God to fill in my gaps.So when I heard the title and subtitle of Sara's book, I was ready.And reading it did not disappoint! It's about how we want to hurry and even claw our way out of hidden or difficult seasons, but that's the very place where God can do some amazing things IN us. No matter what's happening outside us.Sara is beautifully vulnerable throughout. She doesn't try to paint herself as someone who has all the answers. In some ways, her authenticity and her themes remind me of Brennan Manning. There are dozens of meaningful, thought-provoking, mind-and-heart-changing quotes I could include here. I underlined like mad in every chapter. But this one is probably my favorite:"[In] my twenties... I envisioned growth to be outstretched [tree] branches... and mostly ignored the roots. But I could no longer grow tall in God without caring for my root system, without acknowledging that something buried beneath the surface gives life to the trunk and branches I showed the world.... God was ever so gently inviting me back to the soil. To hide *in* Him rather than perform *for* Him, to shift my attention from branches to roots, from my visible work for God to my unseen life in God.... He was patiently drawing my eyes away from the branches and down to my thirsty roots.""Unseen" is about underground growth. It's about turning to God in little, daily, mundane moments, unseen by most of the world - but always seen by Him. It's about pouring out time with Him, even when anyone else (including you) might call it a waste. It's about giving up on trying to be strong, to be enough; and instead letting our weakness turn us to Him for His strength, for His enough.The exchange of my weakness for His strength is fairly easy to grasp - as a theory. Really absorbing it into my heart and living it out, day to day - that's another story. It's a theme that's popped up in my journal for years, but this year, it's been a relentless one. Sara's words are helping me see what it looks like to let the lesson really sink deep. I hope it sticks this time. I think if I keep on with the root work, it will.
Unseen: The Gift of Being Hidden in a World that Loves to be Noticed puts words to what I’ve been feeling in my motherhood journey these last few years. So it’s not necessarily telling me anything new, but it is meeting me right here in this spot with God’s Word.So many times, for the last 7+ years, my days have consisted of dishes, laundry, sweeping the crumbs, wiping the noses, changing the diapers, falling into bed exhausted only to do it all again the next day. Many times I complained to my husband that I was lonely, or isolated, or that no one knew exactly what I was going through. But the truth is…God knew. He saw, He understood, He walked that road with me.More recently, as I have exited the “baby†season to wade knee deep in homeschooling and church planting, I have again felt “unseen.†Even insignificant. After all, how many times did I give that instruction only to find that my child ignored me, didn’t pay attention to me, or just plain disobeyed me? I was trying to find my significance and worth in the things I was doing instead of the One who was watching me. I was working and serving and being productive (sometimes), but I still felt alone and unseen.In this book, Sara delves into the fact that we crave to be seen and noticed. We were designed for it. But we have to go through the winter times when our roots are unseen and our blossoms are gone in order to bloom more fully and grow larger in the spring. Sometimes it is in the unseen moments that we find we are really seen by the most important One (who has been watching us all along). And in those times, if we press into Him, we find a deeper more significant relationship with our Creator. In the unseen moments we can worship more completely. In the times when the world doesn’t notice a thing we are doing, we grow more than we ever could in the limelight.This also speaks to my battle with social media. It’s one of those things I have a hard time controlling sometimes. I want to post things and share what I’m doing and see what people say in response. But in the end, 27 likes on my picture of a beautiful dinner isn’t really important. But making that beautiful dinner for my family can be an act of worship if the work is met with the right attitude and if I give God the glory for my ability to make it. Sometimes I pull away from social media…maybe because I have been feeling insignificant and unseen already, and so I don’t really want anyone else to know. But those times have been some of the best months I have walked with my Savior.I have not completely read this book yet. I have to take it slowly and digest it. But the chapters I have read are very marked up as the Lord has used Sara’s words and her own journey of “unseenness†to challenge my heart in this matter.
I struggled with how many stars to give this just because this message is so close to my heart. I believe in the point she's trying to make 100%. The problem I had with it is I found that, in my opinion, she seemed to ramble quite a bit in her writing and it was just difficult for me to keep tabs on exactly what her point was in each chapter. I feel like a lot could have been trimmed out of this and that a little more clarity in getting her points across would have been helpful. I would describe her as a less vague Ann Voskamp in some ways (and I love me some Ann V., don't get me wrong, but it's also kind of hard to discern what her point is in her writing sometimes).My other issue was that, I am a single, never married, childless woman. In order to apply the concepts she writes about to my life, I really had to use a huge amount of imagination. I don't know that this is quite a criticism. She was married quite young in life and a big part of her story has to do with her children, both adopted and biological. So it is understandable that this is the story that inspires her writing. However, this book is not marketed specifically to mothers. It would have been nice if she had somehow been able to craft her message in a way that made it more applicable to a broader audience or if she had just straight up marketed it to mothers, I also feel that would have been appropriate.
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